Family Tools Updates
- Enhancement: should respect shared parameter files created with Revit 2015
- Enhancement: no longer automatically looks for backup files or type catalog files on startup. This could take a long time, making the app take a long time to start up. The user must click the “Refresh” button to see the files
- Enhancement: backup file search now skips directories where the user doesn’t have permission, rather than stopping with no results displayed
- New Feature: after deleting backup files, will report how many files were deleted, and how many MB of disc space were freed up
- Fixed the exception produced when launching Family Tools “System.Exception: Failed to load product deployment data: Could not find file”
- Button works
- Wouldn’t allow saving merged shared parameters if two parameters in one shared parameter file had exactly the same name.
- Can now save Shared Parameter files with duplicate parameter names in them.
- Was not able to show the versions of family files if those family files were made with Revit 2015 (they appeared as “Unknown” versions). It now shows the 2015 versions correctly.
- Was not reporting family file versions correctly, plus now supports reporting Revit 2014 families.