Layer Boss

For CIM Manager Suite Version 22.0.0

  • Fixes: Fixed an issue where the layers export dialog box wasn’t stretching components correctly. Fixed an issuye where, when the user settings in the user appdata folder did not exist, the app would error out. Fixed an issue where french color spellings were not recognized when export to or syncing from Excel. Fixed an issue where the description column would sometimes be empty when exporting to Excel. Adjust button order on import function to be more industry standard.
  • New Feature: Add a new column to the excel export titled “New Name”. This will allow users to change layer names in excel, then upon syncing back to the dwg, the layer name will change, but all references to that layer will stay intact.
  • Enhancement: Added legend in import results to better understand the different color coding of results. Added column header filters to excel export.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 21.0.1

  • Fixes: Removed case sensitivity for layer settings. Fixed issue where single quotes weren’t allowed in layer names. Fixed an issue where RGB colors were not holding during export and import. Fixed issue where spaces in layer names were causing errors. Fixed an issue where certain linetype definitions were causing an error on import.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 20.0.3

  • Fixes: Fixed issue causing an error when Layer Boss was looking for plot styles in CTB-based drawings.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 20.0.2

  • Enhancement: For swap layer functionality when syncing drawing layers, added layers from both Excel sheet and current drawing to the dropdown list. Changed how column matching works between Excel and drawing: syncing now matches column names instead of order, and prompts if there are header typos.
  • Fixes: Fixed issues with syncing certain Excel files with drawings. Fixed issue when browsing for dwg/dwt files, the last location was not remembered. Fixed issue where an Excel file with a Plot Style column could not sync with a CTB-based drawing.
  • New Feature: When exporting layers to Excel new options to include linetypes from selected .lin file, plot styles from the current STB file (STB-based drawings only), and colors of current layer definition. Added section for handling Layers referenced in Description Key Sets in the report.
  • Enhancement: For swap layer functionality when syncing drawing layers, added layers from both Excel sheet and current drawing to the dropdown list. Changed how column matching works between Excel and drawing: syncing now matches column names instead of order, and prompts if there a header typos.
  • New Feature: When exporting layers to Excel new options to include linetypes from selected .lin file, plot styles from the current STB file (STB-based drawings only), and colors of current layer definition.  Added section for handling Layers referenced in Description Key Sets in the report.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 20.0.1

  • Fixes: Resolved issue causing crashing when Object Layer commands were attempted.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 20.0.0

  • Enhancement: Added new “Cannot Delete (References)” section for Layers referenced in the drawing, including ability to swap referenced Layers, or edit through Template Tracker.
  • Fixes: Fixed misc. errors.

For CIM Manager Suite Version 19.0.0

  • First Release