Linetype Manager
- Fixes: Fixed an issue where certain .shx files could not be read. Fixed an issue where some linetypes would not import. Added support for include periods (.) in the linetype name.
- Fixes: Fixed an issue where unique shx files would cause linetype manager to freeze.
- Enhancement: Added functionality for all three types of text or shape rotation types: relative, upright, and absolute.
- Fixes: Fixed an issue where inserting of edited linetypes into the current drawing was causing objects referencing those linetypes to lose their reference to the linetype. Fixed an issue where the plan readable setting was not working.
- Fixes: Addressed issue where unique text style names in .lin files were causing an error. Addressed issue where the preview isn’t available when there are multiple printer support paths specified in Options.
- New Featured: Added support for unique text styles being reflected in the preview. Text styles definitions are based on the current drawing when Linetype Manager is opened.
- Enhancement: Added functionality to insert Linetype definitions into current drawing, and to copy a Linetype definition. Increased size of preview window height.
- Fixes: Fixed slow speed issues for Add and Edit funtions, display issues with linetype preview, unexpectedly deleting all linetypes, loading of SHP files with spaces in the file name.